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Anaphylaxis Allergy

Name It Labels Anaphylaxis and/or Allergy Stickers and Labels

It is no problem to customise your order to include such important information.

Our clothing labels and vinyl stickers have enough room over 2-3 lines to write special instructions that are unique to your child and his/her allergies. 

All our labels will most importantly have their name printed first and then underneath the allergy information so all your labels are personalised. And this will not cost any extra. You get the same top quality waterproof and dishwasher safe labels but they are personalised to include only the alerts and conditions you require.

Quantities start at 25 stickers for only $15, and this includes free delivery. You can choose to add colour as appropriate for your stickers as well – just request this when ordering. Use the COMMENT BOX.  We are always happy to help. Click here to read about Name It Labels Stickers

These stickers are also useful for elderly people at rest homes or nursing homes for essential information about a resident’s diet, specific care needs or any medical conditions.

You can also use our recommended and easy to use Iron On clothing labels for alerting other people to allergies or conditions.

Instead of ironing your customised allergy alert label on the inside collar you can iron the label to the front of the t-shirt or top that your child wears. This is a permanent and secure way to ensure a label stays put and can be clearly seen on the clothing - it can't be removed like a badge. They are guaranteed to stay on clothing and survive the hot washing machine and dryers. You can get a 20 pack of these labels for as little as $17 and this also includes free delivery. 

So please remember, Name It Labels, can print food allergy and alert stickers for dairy, eggs, gluten, wheat, additives, nuts, shellfish and anything else specific for you. Plus we can print medical allergy and alerts stickers for such things as asthma, animals, diabetes, latex, sugar.